2021 Public Art Academy

    In 2021, the Public Art Administrators Network of Northern CA (NorCal PAAN) launched the "Public Art Academy", a series of free webinars for artists to provide insight into the field of public art in order to demystify the field and open the door to a wide range of artists with diverse backgrounds and artistic expressions. Each virtual workshop featured presentations by three accomplished public artists and moderated by experienced public art administrators.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 1: Introduction to Public Art – Is Public Art for You?

     "Introduction to Public Art – Is Public Art for You?" aired on September 22, 2021 and was moderated by Barbara Goldstein (Art Builds Community) and Kristen Zaremba (City of Oakland). In Session 1, participants examined the rewards and challenges of working in the public realm. Guest presenters, artists Mildred Howard, Rene Yung, and Taraneh Hemami discussed the relationship between their public art and their personal work, and how these practices differ. They touched upon working with fabricators, community members, designers and public agencies.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 1: Introduction to Public Art – Is Public Art for You? from Palo Alto Public Art Program on Vimeo.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 2: How Do You Present Yourself as a Public Art Candidate?

    Session 2: "How Do You Present Yourself as a Public Art Candidate" aired on September 29, 2021 and moderated by Emily Sevier (City of San Jose) and Mary Chou (San Francisco Arts Commission). In Session 2, guest artists, Walter Kitundu, Wowhaus and Sanaz Mazinani, shared their own journey in the field of public art and provided tips and lessons learned for how to seek out public art opportunities, present themselves and their work in their applications, and prepare for the proposal and/or interview process.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 2: How Do You Present Yourself as a Public Art Candidate? from Palo Alto Public Art Program on Vimeo.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 3: Avenues for Creating Art in the Public Realm

    Session 3: "Avenues for Creating Art in the Public Real"  aired on October 13, 2021 and moderated by Elise DeMarzo (City of Palo Alto) and Chandra Cerrito (Chandra Cerrito / Art Advisors). In Session 3, artists Johanna Poethig, James Moore, and Desi Mundo, Community Rejuvenation Project, highlighted the similarities and differences among public art commissioned by cities as part of municipal projects, public art created for private development projects, and artist-initiated projects in the public realm. Three accomplished artists shared artworks they completed in these models and field questions from participants.

    Demystifying Public Art Session 3: Avenues for Creating Art in the Public Realm from Palo Alto Public Art Program on Vimeo.

    What's Coming Up

    Public Meeting

    Executive Committee Meeting

    December 19
    1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Community Investments Committee Meeting

    December 18
    1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Visual Arts Committee Meeting

    February 19
    2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
    Public Meeting

    Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

    March 17
    2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

    Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online