Terms and Conditions of Loan Agreements
The term “work of art” applies to: paintings, mural decorations, stained glass, statues, bas relief or other sculptures, monuments, fountains, arches or structures of a permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration.

The Arts Commission’s authority concerning works of art is described in Sections 5.100 and 5.103 of the San Francisco Charter and Section 1.16 of the Administrative Code.

  1. The period of the loan will be two years in duration from the outgoing date as recorded on the Outgoing Loan Receipt or Loan Renewal Agreement. Upon expiration of the loan, the Borrower will contact the Arts Commission in order to make arrangements for the return of the borrowed work(s) of art. All terms of the loan agreement will remain in effect until renewal terms are agreed upon or the safe return of the borrowed work(s) of art, whichever comes first. *Please note that due to budget and staffing constraints, the Arts Commission has suspended its intra-departmental loan program until further notice. While current loans may be renewed at the discretion of the Arts Commission, no new artwork will be loaned at this time.
  2. The Arts Commission reserves the right to recall any object(s) with sufficient notice to the Borrower for its own purposes. Upon routine inventories and inspections, should the Arts Commission determine that an object has been damaged or mistreated, the Arts Commission reserves the right to remove it without notice at the Borrower’s expense.
  3. The Borrower will exercise care in respect to the work(s) of art loaned by the Arts Commission. All framed work(s) of art are to be mounted with security hardware, at the Borrower’s expense. If a work(s) of art or its frame is damaged, the Borrower agrees to IMMEDIATELY notify the Civic Art Collection and Public Art Program, Senior Registrar Allison Cummings (415-252-2212). The Borrower agrees to accept fiscal responsibility for repairs if damage is caused by the Borrower’s negligence. The Borrower, however, will not be responsible for loss or damage caused by normal and reasonable wear, including gradual deterioration, vermin, or inherent vice.
  4. The Borrower will follow general safety precautions in the care of the artwork(s) such as, but not limited to: nothing will be placed on, nor in front of, nor leaned on, nor stacked against, nor adhered to the borrowed artwork(s) or it’s frame or casing; no cleaning solvents will be used on or in the vicinity of the artwork(s), frame or casing; Proper safety precautions will need to be defined and pre-approved by the Arts Commission when office maintenance and renovations are necessary in the vicinity of the artwork such as, but not limited to: carpet cleaning, painting, ceiling work, movement of office furniture, etc. The Arts Commission may deem it necessary that the work(s) of art be removed and stored for the duration of such work to take place. Notifications with less than 2 weeks may incur rush fees.
  5. The Borrower is responsible for all costs associated with the loan. Itemized costs may be associated with a particular loan. Costs may include but are not limited to, framing of artwork(s), descriptive plaques or wall labels, security hardware, the transportation of the loan(s) to and from the Arts Commission, the installation of all work(s) of art and administrative costs for Arts Commission staff time. The Borrower is also responsible for the costs associated with the return of work(s) of art on or before the termination of the loan period. Arts Commission staff will direct the transport, handling, proper display and security of the work(s) of art.
  6. The Borrower agrees to IMMEDIATELY notify the Civic Art Collection and Public Art Program, Senior Registrar Allison Cummings (415-252-2212) for any of the following reasosn: The work(s) of art needs to be relocated, returned or if the individual representing a borrowing agency either leaves employment with the City, or transfers to another department. In such a case, the loan(s) must either be returned, or responsibility assumed by another City employee. Such transfers and relocations must be APPROVED by the Arts Commission. Notifications with less than 2 weeks may incur rush fees.
  7. It is implicitly understood that only staff and contractors of the Arts Commission are authorized to handle, install, and relocate loaned artwork(s) for any reason in and out of the loan agreement. Any and all arrangements need to be made in advance with the Arts Commission Senior Registrar.

Loan Return Procedure

  1. Please try and locate all paperwork associated with the original loan. If possible, fax or mail a copy of the original loan agreement and any other accompanying paperwork to our offices.
  2. *However, if you have located an artwork in your office and unsure of its provenance, commission or previous loan agreement, please don’t hesitate to contact our staff with a brief description and location. If at all possible, please also send an image. Someone from our staff will try to ascertain if it is indeed part of the Civic Art Collection and under the purview of the Arts Commission.
  3. Someone from our staff will make arrangements with you for an in-person assessment of the art work(s) and to determine the appropriate method of return. If your office is relocating, please notify us of your deadline and allow at least 30 days for the return process.
  4. If the work needs to be moved via professional art transport (to be determined by our staff) we will select one of our pre-approved vendors, as stated in Terms and Conditions of the Loan. We will include you and the vendor in scheduling and making arrangements at a mutually agreed upon time within regular business hours.
  5. If an object in your care has been damaged by something other than normal wear (defined within reason as gradual deterioration, vermin or inherent vice) we will have the piece evaluated by a conservator and will pass on the cost of necessary repairs in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Loan.

For the safety of the art work, please do not attempt to remove, transport or return artwork(s) on your own.

Senior Registrar Allison Cummings
Civic Art Collection and Public Art Program
(415) 252-2212

What's Coming Up

Public Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

December 19
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Community Investments Committee Meeting

December 18
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 408 and Online
Public Meeting

Visual Arts Committee Meeting

February 19
2:00 PM to 4:15 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online
Public Meeting

Civic Design Review Committee Meeting

March 17
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Hybrid: City Hall | Rm 416 and Online